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< Back MAGNOLIA (Magnolia spp) Print Friendly View
Magnolia spp.
(Puerto Rico); (Costa Rica); (Honduras)
Fairly large to large tree, up to 70 feet tall.
Too scarce or inaccessible to provide timber of more than local utility.
Magnolia splendens Urb. endemic to Puerto Rico, very scarce, while M. cubensis Urb. grows in the mountains of Cuba to Mexico. And M. posana (Pitt.) Dandy is endemic to Costa Rica.
Light and soft to moderately specific gravity in air dry condition, 0.35-0.55.
Vessels per mm2 10 to 20 (abundant). Wood diffuse porous. Occasionally vessels exclusively solitary (over 90%). Tyloses common. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 to 150 micras (small). Vessel-ray pits larger than the intervessel pits. Intervessel pits sc Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Axial parenchyma in discontinuous tangential lines. Heterogeneous rays and/or multiseriate heterogeneous rays. Fibers with distinctly bordered pits.
Without a distinctive odor or taste.
Heartwood yellowish to brown. Usually sharply demarcated from he white sapwood.
Usually straight.
Fine and uniform.
Liable to natural decay in a soil contact condition.
Silica Content: -
Ease of Drying: Laubu can be dried without suffering unduly from twist or warp.Backsawn material is very prone to checking and quartersawing ,if possible,is recommended.For 50 mm stock,preliminary air drying in sheltered, covered position is suggested.25 mm board,kiln d
Easy to work.
It becomes difficult when the wood has interlocked grained type.
Nails without split.
Paints well.
HOUSING GENERAL, boards, parquet, panelling, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, common furniture, cabinets, PLYWOOD AND VENEER
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