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Qualea albiflora Warm.
Mandioqueira (Brazil); Mandioqueira Lisa (Brazil); Mandioqueira Áspera (Brazil); Canela Mandioca (Brazil); Mandioqueiro (Brazil); Mandioqueira-Preta (Brazil); Mandioqueira-Lisa (Brazil); Mandioqueira-Escamosa (Brazil); Woto Kwarie; Grignon Fou; Umiry Rana (Brazil); Mandio
Ruizterania albiflora (Warm.) Marc.-Berti; Qualea glaberrima Ducke
Trees up to 30 m tall, with diameters of 50 to 80, up to 100 cm. The boles are straight and cylindrical, with commercial lengths of 20 m. It presents buttresses up to 2 m tall.
Qualea albiflora is a dominant tree in the terra firme tropical rain forests of northern South America.
Qualea albiflora is found in the Atlantic and in the Amazon regions well distributed in the north of South-America.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Occasionally tyloses common. Occasionally vessels per mm2 less than 6. Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape. Intervessel pits medium, 7 to 1 Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Occasionally prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells. 3 to 4 cells per parenchyma strand. 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Rays 1 to 4 seriate. Silica bodies in the ray cells. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
It has no discernible odor or taste.
The light gray heartwood slightly distinct from the sapwood.
The grain is frequently interlocked.
Medium texture is reported in this species.
The surface of the wood is naturally moderate in luster.
Q. albiflora is reported to be moderately resistant against termites attack.
Ease of Drying: Air drying is reported to be fast. Drying Defects: Moderate warping and checking are reported. Kiln Schedules: Careful drying is recommended.
UK-D; US-T3-D2
The behavior of this species in sawing is considered to be fair to difficult.
It is interesting for slicing and peeling, thermal treatments are recommended.
It is interesting for slicing and peeling, thermal treatments are recommended.
It is considered to have a slight blunting effect on the cutting elements.
This species is easy to plane.
It is easy to nail.
Gluing of this species is easy.
HOUSING GENERAL, joists, boards, flooring, steps, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, common furniture, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, Decorative veneer, TURNING, turned furniture, TOOLS, agricultural tools, PACKING, heavy packing, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION
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