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Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz
Cosc ruwfng (Vietnam); Cosa chua (Vietnam); Ma-kok (Thailand); Mak kok (Laos); Kouk (Laos); Kok (Laos); Mokak Mokak (Cambodia); Pwe-baung (Myanmar); Gwe (Myanmar); Libas (Philippines); Memberah (Malaysia); Kedongdong (Malaysia); Embrah (Malaysia); Kacemcem (Indonesia); Kedongdong (Indonesia); Common hog plum
Spondias mangifera Willd.; Spondias acuminata Roxb.; Poupartia pinnata (L. f.) Blanco; Mangifera pinnata L. f.
It is a medium to large sized tree, up to 30 m tall, branchless for 18 m. It can reach diameters up to 100 cm. The stem presents knobs.
Spondias occurs scattered in primary forests, up to 1,000 m of altitude.
Spondias is widely cultivated in the tropics.
Spondias fruits are eaten raw or in jams, jellies and juices.
Wood diffuse porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Occasionally tyloses common. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Intervessel pits large, 10 micras or more. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Occasionally axial parenchyma aliform. 3 to 4 cells per parenchyma strand. Occasionally 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Occasionally rays less than 4 per mm (rare). Larger rays more than 4 seriate. Prismatic crystals in radial alignment in procumbent ray cells (chambered cells). Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2 to 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-I Fibers very thin walled. Occasionally septate fibers present. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
It has no taste or odor.
The heartwood is pale yellow-brown to grey-brown, sometimes with a pink core, not clearly differentiated from the pale to grey sapwood.
The grain is straight, rarely interlocked.
The texture is moderately coarse and even.
The wood is non-durable. The sapwood is susceptible to Lyctus. The heartwood is highly susceptible to blue stain, termite and marine borer attack.
This species is reported to have growth stresses.
The heartwood has an erratic behavior to preservative treatment, but the sapwood absorbs and retains preservatives readily.
The wood is easy to saw and convert, but logs with tension wood may show a woolly finish.
Machining of this species is reported to be easy.
Planing is easy, but it is difficult to obtain a smooth finishing.
It is difficult to obtain a smooth finish.
HOUSING GENERAL, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, cores, TURNING, PACKING, light packing, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, shoes, matches, moldings, paper
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