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Ficus insipida Willd.
Ojé Rosado (Peru); Higuerota (Venezuela); Huacra (Peru); Renaco (Peru); Huito (Peru); Gambo (Ecuador); Chilo (Ecuador); Marañón (Ecuador); Huila (Ecuador); Caucho (Colombia); Matapalo (Colombia); Cauchillo (Colombia); Bibosi Palomo (Bolivia); Bibosi Grande (Bolivia); Higuero (Panama); Matapau (Brazil); Higuerón (Venezuela); Ojé (Peru); Matapalo (Ecuador); Cauchillo (Ecuador); Higuerón (Colombia); Corcho (Bolivia); Ají (Bolivia); Bibosi (Bolivia); Faveiro-Vermelho (Brazil); Caviúna-Rajada (Brazil); Higuerón (Ecuador)
Ficus glabrata Kunth; Ficus anthelmintica Mart.
This species is reported to be a fairly large tree, with heights between 30 to 35 m. The diameter at breast height is commonly from 100 to 150 cm, up to 200 cm, with commercial lengths of 22 m. Ficus trees have abundant latex.
Ficus insipida is found in lowlands to medium altitude tropical rain forests in the transition to subtropical.
This species is well represented in the tropical America, it is reported to occur from Panama, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, south to Peru and Bolivia.
The latex of Ficus trees is reported to have a vermifuge effect.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Tyloses common. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits coarse throughout the ray cell. V Axial parenchyma apparent with the naked eye. Axial parenchyma in thick bands. Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Axial parenchyma bands more than 3 cells wide. Axial parenchyma bands under 4 per mm. 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Larger rays more than 4 seriate. Prismatic crystals in the ray cells. Occasionally heterogeneous rays and/or multiseriate heterogeneous rays. Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2 to 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cel Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
It has no distinct odor or taste.
The sapwood is not differentiated, the heartwood is pale yellow when dry.
This timber usually has straight or interlocked grain.
The texture of the wood is medium.
This species is moderate in luster.
The wood is non-durable, often liable to decay and insect attack.
It is easy to preserve, yielding high absorption of oil and water based preservatives.
Ease of Drying: It is reported to air dry rapidly. Drying Defects: Slight tendency to warp or check.
Cutting resistance is generally low.
This species is reported to be interesting for lamination.
This species is reported to be interesting for lamination.
This species is easy to process, with good finishing.
It is easy to plane.
Boring of this species is reported to be easy.
Sanding of this wood is easy.
HOUSING GENERAL, joists, boards, panelling, fittings, shutter boards, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, cabinets, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, TURNING, PACKING, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, shingle, moldings
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