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Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth.
Brown albizia (Papua New Guinea); White siris (Australia); Muoofng xanh (Vietnam); Kokko-sit (Myanmar); Tall albizia (United States of America); Ki hiyang (Indonesia); Wangkal (Indonesia); Weru (Indonesia); Tho:n (Laos); Thing thon (Thailand); Forest albizia (United States of America); Suan (Thailand); Akleng parang (Philippines); Tri:ehs (Cambodia); Tramkang (Cambodia); Sitpen (Myanmar); Sit (Myanmar)
Mimosa procera Roxb.; Feuilleea procera (Roxb.) Kuntze; Acacia procera (Roxb.) Willd.
It is a small to medium tree, rarely exceeding 33 m high, usually without buttresses.
Albizia trees are described as a pioneer species in open, secondary or primary deciduous or monsoon forest and savanna and scrub vegetation.
Wood diffuse porous. Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape. Intervessel pits small, 7 micras or less. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with distinctly bordered pits.
The heartwood is pale brown to dark reddish-brown or golden-brown, sharply demarcated from the white to straw-colored sapwood.
The grain is sometimes straight but usually interlocked or wavy.
The texture is moderately fine to moderately coarse.
This species is reportedly moderately durable. It is resistant against termites, but the sapwood can be attacked by Lyctus.
The sapwood is permeable, the heartwood resistant to the preservative treatment.
Ease of Drying: Shrinkage during air drying is moderate.
Lamination of this species is possible.
Lamination of this species is possible.
The workability of this species is reported to be fair to difficult.
The wood tends to pick up in planing. The cutting angle should not exceed 20 degrees.
The wood tends to pick up in molding. The cutting angle should not exceed 20 degrees.
Nailing properties are fair to poor.
It takes a good finishing.
It has a fair response to hand tools.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, bridges, stakes posts, crossarms, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, flooring, frames, panelling, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, Decorative veneer, TURNING, SPORTS, TOOLS, agricultural tools, CONTAINERS, cooperage, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, boats, boat oars, port pillar, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, moldings
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