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< Back AMARILLO (Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon) Print Friendly View
Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon Mull. Arg.
Cabo De Hacha (Venezuela); Amargo (Venezuela); Pumaquiro (Peru); Pucaquiro (Peru); Costillo (Colombia); Canelo (Colombia); Peroba (Bolivia); Jotavió (Bolivia); Caripe (Bolivia); Jichituriqui Amarillo (Bolivia); Amarillo (Bolivia)
The size of the mature tree is reported to be small to medium, attaining heights up to 30 m and diameters of 100 cm. The boles that are free of branches for about half of the total height of the tree. Aspidosperma species exudate a milky latex.
The natural range of this species is the sub tropical dry and temperate dry forests of South America. It prefers well drained, low fertility soils, growing in primary and secondary forests.
It is reported to occur from Venezuela to Bolivia. In Brazil, this species occurs in Minas Gerais, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul and Sao Paulo. It is reported to be more abundant in the Parana basin.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels exclusively solitary (over 90%). Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less (very small). Vessels per mm2 more than 20 (very abundant). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Rays 1 to 4 seriate. Prismatic crystals in the ray cells. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with distinctly bordered pits.
Unpleasant smell
The sapwood is differentiated, it is white yellowish, the heartwood is yellow.
The grain is mostly interlocked.
The wood is mostly fine in texture.
Wood surface is high in luster.
Ease of Drying: Air seasoning is moderate. Drying Defects: Risk of twisting and checking is reported.
Sawing of this species is easy.
Planing of this species is reported to be easy.
Boring of this species is reported to be easy.
Sanding of this wood is easy.
It is easy to finish.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, joists, frames, TOOLS, tool handles, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION
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