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Ongokea gore Pierre
Kouéro (Côte d`Ivoire); Boleke (Zaire); Anghëk (Gabon); Sanu (Congo); Sanou (Congo); Sanu; Sano; Olekwa; Oleko; Oleke; Okeka; Nzieke; Ngore; Nessano; Nek; N`sano; Muleku; Muketu; Moungueke; Mobengui; Limuna; Kwi; Kuwi; Kuoto; Ksin; Kouero; Kosin; Isanu; Isano; Ibeka; Gbui; Elede; Ekuzo; Dimuma dileka; Dimuma; Buleka; Bui; Bobwe; Balla-tue; Anojek; Angeuk; Boleko (Zaire); Angueuk (Gabon); Andjek (Cameroon); Andjek (Gabon)
Ongokea klaineana Pierre; Ongokea kamerunensis Engl.; Aptandra gore Hua
The tree reaches a height of 43 m. The bole is cylindrical, straight and unbuttressed, sometimes lobed or swollen at the base. Trunk diameter attains up to 170 cm.
Ongokea gore occurs in periodically inundated areas, in river forests and mostly in rain forest.
West and Central Africa, from Liberia to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels exclusively solitary (over 90%). Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 150 to 200 micras (medium). Tyloses thin walled. Vessels per mm2 6 to 10 (medium). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits coarse throughout the ray cell. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma strand. Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Rays non-storied. Rays 1 to 2 seriate. Rays exclusively uniseriate. Prismatic crystals in the ray cells. Heterogeneous rays and/or multiseriate heterogeneous rays. Non-septate fibers. Fibers with distinctly bordered pits. Vessel-fiber pits similar to vessel-ray pits in size and shape.
The heartwood is pale yellow, it is not clearly demarcated. Ribbon-like markings present on quarter-sawn faces.
Straight or slightly interlocked, sometimes with an influence on further processing operations.
The wood is mostly medium in texture.
The wood is described as low in luster.
Durable to decay; this species can be utilized without preservative treatment for exterior joinery or similar uses. Resistant to termites attack. The heartwood is sensible to Lyctus attacks.
For this species no growth stresses are reported.
Silica Content: This timber is reported to have a negligible silica content. Silica contents over 0.05% may affect wood processing. Silica Value: 0.01
Difficult to treat with only a low penetration of the preservative products.
Sawing of this species requires powerful equipment.
Suitable for slicing.
Suitable for slicing.
Slight blunting effect; ordinary tools can be used for sawing and machining.
It needs powerful tools for processing. Possible difficulties caused by interlocked grain are reported.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Moderately easy; tools must be cautiously sharpened.
Pre-boring is necessary.
Difficult to glue because of high density.
Easy to perform; it gives good results.
Can be polished without surface preparation.
Working with hand tools is difficult.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, joists, boards, flooring, parquet, frames, steps, panelling, fittings, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, Decorative veneer, TURNING, ornaments, turned furniture, cutlery, lasts, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts
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