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Copal caraña
Dacryodes kukachkana L.O. Williams
Copal Caraña (Peru)
Dacryodes belemensis Cuatrec.
The trees are reported to reach heights of 25 m, with trunk diameters ranging from 50 to 60 cm. The bole is straight and cylindrical, up to 10 or 15 m long. It has low buttresses.
Dacryodes kukachkana is a co-dominant tree from the Amazonian tropical rain forests, usually found on non inundable soils.
This species occurs in Peru and Brazil. In Peru it is reported to be more abundant especially in dry lands, especially in the departments of Loreto, Huanuco and Ucayali.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 150 to 200 micras (medium). Tyloses common. Vessels per mm2 10 to 20 (abundant). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits coarse in marginal rows. Vessel- Axial parenchyma absent or extremely rare, non visible with magnifying glass (8x). Occasionally siliceous bodies in the axial parenchyma. 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Rays commonly 2 seriate. Silica bodies in the ray cells. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Septate fibers present. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
Odor and taste are indistinct.
The sapwood is light gray, the heartwood is pink when dry.
It has interlocked grain.
Fine texture is reported in this species.
This species is moderate in luster.
Ease of Drying: Air drying is reported to be very slow. Drying Defects: Moderate checking and warping are reported.
Cutting resistance is generally low.
It is reported to have a moderate to severe blunting effect due to high silica content.
Planing operations are rather easy.
Boring operations are reported to be fair.
Mortising operations are rather easy.
Sanding of this wood is easy.
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