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Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan
Cebil Colorado; Cebil; Angico Preto (Brazil); Curupay (Paraguay)
Mimosa colubrina Vell.; Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan; Acacia colubrina Mart.
The tree reaches a height of 25 m, with a diameter of 110 cm, it does not present buttresses. The logs are reported to be straight and cylindrical.
A tree of seasonally dry climates, occurring in caatinga, cerrado and dry forest on deep soils. It is found between 400 and 1,600 m of altitude, on well drained soils.
This species is reported in the Chaco area in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay, and also in Peru.
Tannins are found in the bark. The seeds are reported to have narcotic effects.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Occasionally tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less. Vessels per mm2 10 to 20 (abundant). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and s Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma confluent. Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cell 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Rays non-storied. Larger rays more than 4 seriate. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
Odor and taste are reported to be indistinct.
The sapwood is differentiated, it is white yellowish color, the heartwood is reddish brown.
It has interlocked grain.
The texture of this species is reported to vary from fine to medium.
Timber of this species is moderate in luster.
It is reported to be very durable.
The heartwood is untreatable.
US-T8-B3; UK-G
For this species reinforced cutting tools are recommended.
Machining operations are fair to difficult.
Planing is reported to be difficult.
It is difficult to bore.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, poles, paling, stakes posts, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, joists, flooring, steps, CONTAINERS, cooperage, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION
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