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Jelutong pipit
Kibatalia arborea (Blume) G. Don
Jelutong pipit; Lingorumbolia (Indonesia); Tamadak (Malaysia); Jelutong beruang (Malaysia)
Tabernaemontana ovalis Miq; Kickxia arborea (Blume) Blume; Hasseltia arborea Blume
It is a small to large tree, up to 45 m tall, with a straight bole, branchless for up to 30 m. The diameter reaches up to 120 cm, sometimes with small buttresses up to 1.5 m high.
This species grows scattered in the canopy or subcanopy of lowland and lower montane primary rain forests, on well drained places, up to 500 m of altitude.
The bark contains several medicinally potential alkaloids.
Wood diffuse porous. Occasionally vessels with colored deposits. Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape. Intervessel pits medium, 7 to 1 Occasionally axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma aliform. Occasionally axial parenchyma confluent. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Occasionally larger rays more than 4 seriate. Prismatic crystals in radial alignment in procumbent ray cells (chambered cells). Occasionally body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2 to 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cel Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
The heartwood is white, not clearly differentiated from the white to pale yellow sapwood.
It has straight grain.
The wood is mostly fine in texture.
This species is readily attacked by sap-staining fungi.
Ease of Drying: Air seasoning is reported fairly easy.
Machining of this species is reported to be easy.
HOUSING GENERAL, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, cabinets, TURNING, cutlery, BENDING, tennis rackets, SPORTS, bowling polo balls, TOOLS, tool handles, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, pencil, shoes, matches, moldings
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