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Syzygium buettnerianum (K. Schumann) Niedenzu
Water gum (United Kingdom); Water gum (United States of America); Obar (Sabah); Obar (Sarawak); Meralu (Indonesia); Thabye (Myanmar); Plong (Cambodia); Nir-naval (Indonesia); Jaman (Indonesia); Jambu (Indonesia); Black kelat (Malaysia); Common kelat (Malaysia); Chomphu (Thailand); Jamun (Indonesia); Tram (Vietnam); Plong (Vietnam); Tram (Cambodia); Echter jaman (Germany); Jaman (India); Makasim (Philippines); Water gum (Papua New Guinea)
Eugenia buettneriana K. Schumann
It is a medium-sized to tree up to 35 m tall. The bole is straight, branchless for up to 12 m and up to 200 cm in diameter, often fluted. It presents thick buttresses.
This species is reported in rain forests, it favors ridge tops and hillsides, from sea level up to 2,500 m of altitude.
It occurs in Papua New Guinea and throughout the Solomon and Santa Cruz Islands, locally abundant.
Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Vessel-ray pits reticulate and/or foraminate. Simple perforation plates. Intervessel pits medium, 7 to 10 micras. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma aliform. Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2 to 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-II). Fibers with distinctly bordered pits. Fibers very thick walled.
The sapwood is pale brown, slightly paler than the heartwood, which is light to pink-brown when fresh.
It is often straight.
The texture is moderately fine, uniform.
It is moderately durable and rapidly infested by wood degrading organisms.
The heartwood is reported to be untreatable either with oil or water based preservatives.
Ease of Drying: Drying is very slow and difficult to perform; defects are frequent. Drying Defects: Risks of checks and distortions. Kiln Schedules: Schedule proposed as a reference by comparison with well known species taking into account to the general technological behavior of this species.
Sawing of this wood is reported to be easy to fair.
Lamination of this species is possible.
Lamination of this species is possible.
It is easy to machine.
Planing of this species is reported to be easy. A very good surface can be obtained with a 35 degrees rake angle.
Molding of this species is reported to be easy.
Boring of this species is fair to difficult.
Mortising is reported to be easy.
Pre-boring is required.
It has a good behavior in gluing.
It is easy to sand.
Wood of this species is easy to finish.
Staining of this species is reportedly easy.
It is easy to paint or varnish.
Polishing of this wood is easy.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, bridges, poles, stakes posts, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, flooring, frames, steps, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, TURNING, SPORTS, TOOLS, tool handles, agricultural tools, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, paper
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