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Homalium longifolium
Petaling padang; Petaling gajah (Malaysia); Rukam babi (Thailand); Masikang (Malaysia); Chen kiang (Thailand); Selumbar (Malaysia); Pauh kijang jantan (Thailand)
It is a medium-sized to fairly large tree up to 42 m tall. The bole is rather slender, fluted, up to at least 50 cm in diameter.
Homalium longifolium is locally common in evergreen forests, reported on hills and ridges growing in a range from 50 to 650 m of altitude.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels per mm2 more than 20 (very abundant). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape. Intervessel pits small, 7 micras or less. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Ray height more than 1 mm. Larger rays more than 4 seriate. Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-I). Septate fibers present. Fibers with distinctly bordered pits.
Freshly sawn wood has a distinct iodine-like odor that often persists through to the seasoned material.
The heartwood is brown, reddish-brown or sometimes yellow-brown. The sapwood is slightly paler and not distinctly demarcated from the heartwood.
The grain is straight or shallowly interlocked, sometimes deeply interlocked.
The wood is typically fine in texture.
The wood is fairly resistant to termite attack.
Silica Content: It is non-siliceous. Silica Value: 0
The absorption of preservatives by the heartwood is only fair, the sapwood can be treated well.
Ease of Drying: Air seasoning is reported to be difficult. Drying Defects: Prone to warp, check and collapse. Kiln Schedules: Schedule suggested for Putat paya. It is recommended to air dry until 25% of moisture content before kiln drying.
Sawing operations are rated as easy to fair due to the wood density.
Lamination of this species is possible.
Lamination of this species is possible.
Wood of this species produces a slight blunting effect.
Machining operations are rather easy.
Planing of this species is reported to be easy, with slight picking up on the radial faces.
Pre-boring is needed.
Gluing behavior is reportedly good.
It has a good sanding behavior.
It is easy to finish.
This species is reported to be easy to polish.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, bridges, stakes posts, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, flooring, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, TURNING, TOOLS, tool handles, PACKING, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, boat oars, port pillar, port storage, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, axle
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