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Phoebe grandis (Nees) Merr.
thang bon (Thailand); Mun khao (Thailand); Tha dong (Laos); Medang silau (Malaysia); Medang ketanah (Malaysia); Medang keserai (Malaysia); Marsihung (Indonesia); Huru taleus (Indonesia); Konjeh (Indonesia); Medang (Indonesia); Kulitarwas (Sumatra); Marsihung (Borneo); Medang pungut (Indonesia)
Phoebe opaca Zoll.; Phoebe multiflora Blume; Phoebe kunstleri Gamble; Phoebe opaca Blume
It is described as a small to medium sized tree, up to 25 m tall. The bole is usually straight and cylindrical, branchless for 15 m and 75 cm in diameter. Sometimes it is fluted at the base or with short buttresses up to 2 m high.
Phoebe is found in evergreen lowland to montane forests, up to 1,500 m of altitude. It is also reported in more open country and along the forest edges.
Wood diffuse porous. Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Tyloses common. Vessel-ray pits reticulate and/or foraminate. Simple perforation plates. Intervessel pits medium, 7 to 10 micras. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Oil and/or mucilage cells associated with the axial and/or ray parenchyma (idioblasts). Body ray cells procumbent with one row of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-III). Septate fibers present.
The heartwood is greenish yellow brown darkening on exposure, the sapwood is paler in color.
The grain is slightly interlocked or straight.
The texture is fine to medium.
The wood is durable, but it rots in contact with the soil.
Ease of Drying: Drying is reported to be slow, and careful seasoning is recommended Drying Defects: Risk of some checking, warping and splitting.
This species is reported to have good characteristics for lamination.
This species is reported to have good characteristics for lamination.
It is easy to machine.
HOUSING GENERAL, frames, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, cabinets, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, TOOLS, agricultural tools, PACKING, CONTAINERS, truck bodies, truck flooring, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts
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