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Palissandre para
Dalbergia spruceana (Benth.) Benth.
Saboarana (Brazil); Jacarandá-Pedra (Brazil); Jacarandá-Da-Caatinga (Brazil); Jacamin (Brazil)
Miscolobium spruceanum Benth.; Amerimnon spruceanum (Benth.) Kuntze
D. spruceana is described as a small to medium size tree.
Dalbergia spruceana is found in lowlands, on well drained soils in secondary forests. It is a gregarious species.
In Brazil this species is reported in the Amazonas and Para states, and also in Amapa and Rondonia.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 150 to 200 micras (medium). Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar t Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Occasionally axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma storied. Occasionally prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cell Rays more than 10 per mm (abundant). Rays storied. Rays commonly 2 seriate. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
It has a mild smell when green, but no distinct taste.
The sapwood is white to yellowish in color, different from the heartwood which is dark brown, with dark or almost black longitudinal stripes
The grain is mostly irregular
This species is usually reported to have a medium texture.
This wood is frequently moderate in luster.
Silica Content: Silica contents up to 0.14% in weight have been reported for Dacryodes species. Silica Value: 0.14
Drying Defects: This species is reported to check and warp severely.
UK-C; US-T3-C2
This species is easy to machine.
Planing operations are rather easy.
Molding is reported to be easy.
Boring of this species is reported to be easy.
Sanding of this species is reportedly easy.
FURNITURE AND CABINETS, luxury furniture, cabinets, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, Decorative veneer, TOOLS, tool handles
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