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Cordia trichotoma (Vell.) Arrab. ex Steud.
Varia colorada; Varia; Uruazeiro; Uruasinho; Urua; Taparai; Tambor; Suchicahue; Suchah; Spanish elm; Salmwood; Salaam; Prince wood; Peteribi saiyo; Petereri-hu; Petereby; Peterebi saiyu; Pau cacharro; Pardillo de monte; Pardillo; Palo de rosa del pais; Palo de rosa; Palo de maria; Nopo; Mutamba; Louro-do-sul; Louro-da-serra; Louro-batata; Louro pardo; Louro mutamba; Louro amarelo; Louro amarello; Louro; Loro negro; Loro amarillo; Loro; Laurel negro; Laurel macho; Laurel hembre; Laurel blanco; Laurel; Lapachillo; Hormiguero; Freijo; Frei jorge; Dzeui; Claraiba; Cautaro; Cascudinho; Capaw; Capa roja; Capa; Canjaro; Canalete de humo; Buhun; Brown silverballi; Bojon prieto; Bojon blanco; Bojon; Bois de cype; Bois de cipre; Bohun; Baria amarilla; Arbol del ajo; Amapa prieta; Alatrique; Ajui; Afata grande; Afata; Peterebi
Cordiada trichotoma Vell.; Cordia hassleriana Chodat
The trees are reported to reach heights of 20 to 30 m, with trunk diameters ranging from 70 to 90 cm. They develop well-formed and cylindrical boles.
Cordia trichotoma is a pioneer species found in secondary forests, in a wide range of well drained soils. In Brazil it is reported in the Atlantic rain forests, in the cerrado.
The geographical range for this species are the south-east forests of Brazil, Paraguay and the north of Argentina.
Occasionally wood semi-ring porous and/or ring porous. Occasionally vessel clusters common. White deposits in heartwood vessels. Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Larger rays more than 4 seriate.
The heartwood is usually beige gray to yellowish brown gray in color. The color of the wood can be uniform or with dark fine veins.
Grain is reported to be straight or shallowly interlocked.
The texture is typically fairly fine.
It has a moderate resistance to white-rot and brown-rot fungi. It has a good resistance against dry wood termites.
The heartwood is moderately resistant to preservative treatment.
UK-E; US-T6-D2
Sawing of this species is reportedly easy.
It is interesting for peeling and slicing.
It is interesting for peeling and slicing.
Wood of this species exerts a slight blunting effect on the cutting tools.
It is easy to plane.
Good holding of nails.
It has a good behavior in gluing.
It is easy to polish.
HOUSING GENERAL, boards, frames, steps, panelling, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, luxury furniture, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, faces, Decorative veneer, TURNING, lasts, BENDING, chairs, tennis rackets, SPORTS, bowling polo balls, table tennis, CONTAINERS, cooperage, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, boats, boat deck, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, matches, door core, moldings
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