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Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.
White cheesewood (Papua New Guinea); Dosi (Indonesia); Goti (Indonesia); Pulai biasa (Indonesia); Lingaroe (Indonesia); Pulai (Sarawak); Pulai (Indonesia); Dita (Philippines); Mo cua (Vietnam); Popel khe (Cambodia); Tienpod (Thailand); Shaitan (Myanmar); Chatian (Bangladesh); Chatian (India)
Pala scholaris (L.) Roberty; Echites scholaris L.
It is a medium size to fairly large tree, up to 40 m tall. The bole is 15 m long, cylindrical, fluted in older trees, up to 125 cm in diameter. It presents stout buttresses up to 6 m high. It is reported as a corkwood tree.
A. scholaris is the most widely distributed species of the Pulai group. It is reported to grow from Sri Lanka, throughout mainland Southeast Asia down to Australia.
Wood diffuse porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Vestured pits. Vessel-ray pits reticulate and/or foraminate. Simple perforation plates. Intervessel pits small, 7 micras or less. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. Axial parenchyma in narrow bands on lines up to 3 cells wide. Body ray cells procumbent with one row of upright and/or square marginal cells (Kribs-III). Fibers with distinctly bordered pits.
The heartwood is cream-white, sometimes weathering to yellow-brown, and not clearly differentiated from the sapwood.
The grain is straight or interlocked.
The texture is moderately fine to moderately coarse.
Planed surfaces are moderately lustrous, the tangential surface occasionally with zigzag markings.
The wood is non-durable and is very perishable in exposed conditions and in contact with the ground.
Silica Content: The wood contains no silica. Silica Value: 0
The wood is easy to treat with preservatives.
This species is easy to saw.
Tests on this species indicate that it can be laminated at a 90 degrees peeling angle.
Tests on this species indicate that it can be laminated at a 90 degrees peeling angle.
Planing operations are rather easy.
This species has good nailing properties.
Wood of this species is easy to sand.
This species is reported to be easy to finish.
Polishing of this species is reportedly easy.
HOUSING GENERAL, shutter boards, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, PLYWOOD AND VENEER, cores, PACKING, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, pencil, shoes, matches, coffin, particleboard, paper
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