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Xylia xylocarpa Taub.
Yerul; Trumalla; Trul; Tiriwa; The ironwood of Burma; Tangudu; Tangedi; Tangani; Suria; Suaba; Shilve; Pyin; Pran; Praing; Pkhay; Pegu ironwood; Pangali; Panga; Orjori; Mai-sak; Mai-sa-lan; Kongora; Konda tangedu; Kadamaram; Kada; Jambu; Jambe; Jamba; Irummala; Eruvalu; Cam xe; Bojeh; Boja; Sokram (Cambodia); Cam-xe (Vietnam); Irul (India); Daeng (Thailand); Pyinkado (Myanmar); Burma ironwood (Myanmar); Deng (Laos)
Xylia dolabriformis Benth.
Medium sized deciduous tree, up to 30 to 37 m in height and 75 cm in girth. The bole is branchless for up to 25 m, occasionally fluted, usually straight and cylindrical. The buttresses are small or absent.
Xylia xylocarpa is reported in dry evergreen forests, mixed deciduous forests and dry deciduous dipterocarp forests, up to 850 m of altitude.
It is distributed in Myanmar and India and extending eastward into Cambodia and Thailand.
This species is planted within its natural area of distribution.
Occasionally wood semi-ring porous and/or ring porous. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less (very small). Colored deposits in heartwood vessels. Vestured pits. Vessels per mm2 5 to 20. Simple perforation plates. Vessel-ray pits similar to int Apotracheal axial parenchyma diffuse and/or diffuse in aggregates. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells and/or in fibers. 3 to 4 cells per parenchyma strand. 5 to 8 cells per parenchyma st 4 to 10 rays per mm (medium). Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Septate fibers present. Fibers very thick walled. Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
It has no characteristic odor or taste.
The sapwood varies from pale yellowish brown to reddish white. The heartwood is reddish brown.
This timber has usually wavy or interlocked grain.
Texture of this species is reported to vary from fine to medium.
It is very durable and very resistant to fungi and insect attack, also against marine borers.
The sapwood is reported to be easy to preserve but the heartwood is untreatable.
Ease of Drying: Drying is rather slow and sometimes difficult to perform. Drying Defects: Risks of checks and distortions. Kiln Schedules: The kiln schedule has been tested.
UK-C; US-T3-C2
The wood is difficult to saw, but it is easier when green.
It is not suitable for plywood manufacture.
It is not suitable for plywood manufacture.
It is considered to have a severe blunting effect on the cutting elements.
The use of tungsten carbide-tipped cutters and a reduced angle of 20 degrees are recommended.
Planing is reported to be difficult.
It needs pre-boring.
Resin can impede gluing.
Finishing is good unless high resin contents are present.
It could substitute South American Green-Heart, African Azobe and Tali.
EXTERIOR GENERAL, bridges, poles, stakes posts, crossties, HOUSING GENERAL, beams, flooring, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, TURNING, BENDING, TOOLS, tool handles, agricultural tools, CONTAINERS, chemical storage, truck bodies, truck flooring, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, port pillar
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