Seleccione Idioma:
EnglishEnglishAmarante, Purpleheart
Peltogyne paniculata Benth.
Violeta (Brazil); Roxinho (Brazil); Pau-Roxo-Da-Várzea (Brazil); Pau-Roxo (Brazil); Guaré (Brazil); Cinzeiro (Brazil); Guarabu (Brazil); Tananeo; Morado; Pau Roxo (Brazil); Purperhart; Sakavalli; Saka; Koroboreli; Violetwood; Purpleheart; Bois Pourpre; Pourpre; Bois Violet; Sakaballi; Sapater; Zapatero; Sacka; Palo Morado; Palo Cocha; Nazareno; Violet; Tannaneo; Violet Wood; Marawineroo; Koruburelli; Kooroobooelli; Amarante; Amaranth; Amaranto; Purple Wood; Purple Heart
Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth.; Peltogyne pubescens Benth. ; Peltogyne confertiflora (Hayne) Benth.; Peltogyne amplissima Pittier; Hymenaea venosa Vahl; Hymenaea confertifolia Hayne
Two sub-species with similar wood characteristics and distribution are reported, P. paniculata ssp paniculata and ssp pubescens. Some variation is reported according to the species, but it is often about 25 to 35 m in height, with a trunk diameter of abou
This species is reported to be widely distributed all over Central and northern South America.
The wood presents gums which affect wood processing.
Wood diffuse porous. Vessels solitary and in short radial multiples. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 100 micras or less (very small). Occasionally vessels with colored deposits. Occasionally white deposits in heartwood vessels. Vessels per mm2 10 to 20 (a Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands. Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma aliform. Axial parenchyma confluent. Occasionally pith fleck. Occasionally axial parenchyma storied. Prismatic crystals in cha Rays non-storied. Rays 1 to 4 seriate. Homogeneous rays and/or sub-homogeneous rays (all ray cells procumbent). Fibers with simple to minutely bordered pits.
The wood has no specific odor or taste.
The sapwood is white, clearly differentiated from the heartwood which is dark red to purple when dry.
The grain is typically straight or wavy and sometimes interlocked.
Texture is mostly fine to medium.
The wood exhibits a moderate to high luster.
The heartwood is resistant to decay fungi attack and to termites, but it is less resistant to marine borers.
It is very difficult to treat, but for most applications preservative treatments are not required.
Drying Defects: Risk of checking and warping is reported. Kiln Schedules: Slow drying is recommended.
UK-E; US-T6-D2
The wood is hard and it contains resins that affect sawing.
This species is interesting for slicing, thermal treatments are recommended.
This species is interesting for slicing, thermal treatments are recommended.
It is considered to have a moderate blunting effect on the cutting elements.
Peltogyne is reported to be moderately difficult to work in most machining operations including planing, turning, boring, and molding. They respond rather poorly to ordinary tools, and working with dull cutters may cause the wood to heat up.
A reduction of the cutting angle to 15 degrees is required, when wavy or interlocked material is present, to obtain satisfactory results in planing.
It has a tendency to split. Pre-boring is indispensable.
The timber is reported to glue well.
It is easy to sand.
Organic solvents remove the characteristic purple color. To preserve the natural color, wax finishing is recommended.
The wood steam bends fairly well.
Response to hand tools is reported to be only fair.
HOUSING GENERAL, beams, flooring, parquet, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, luxury furniture, cabinets, TURNING, TOOLS, tool handles, NAVAL CONSTRUCTION, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, handicrafts, coffin
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