Seleccione Idioma:
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.
Tubroos; Timbo; Piche; Parota; Oriera; Orejo; Orejas; Oreja de judio; Nacazle; Nacaxtle; Mexican walnut; Kolobra; Kelobra; Juana costa mahogany; Jenizero; Jenisero; Jenezero; Huinecaztle; Huanacaxtle; Harina; Genisero; Devils ear; Cuau-nacaztli; Cuanacaztle; Coratu; Conocaste; Central American walnut; Cascabel sonaja; Caro hembra; Carita; Cabellos de venus; Arbol de orejas; Arbol de las orejas; Anjera; Algarrobo carretera; Acacia franc; Timbo Color (Brazil); Timbó (Brazil); Timbauba (Brazil); Tamboril; Perota; Orejero; Oreja; Jarina; Guanacaste Negro; Guanacaste; Genizero; Corotu; Conacaste; Carocaro; Caro; Carito; Bois Tanni; Árbol De Orejas; Árbol De Las Orejas; Algarrobo De Orejas; South American Walnut; Pichwood; Tobroos
Mimosa cyclocarpa Jacq.; Feuilleea cyclocarpa (Jacq.) Kuntze; Albizia longipes Britton & Killip
The trees are reported to reach heights of 18 to 30 m, with trunk diameters ranging from 90 to 180 cm.
This species is reported from Mexico, southward through Central America to Trinidad, Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil.
Enterolobium trees are reported to be often cultivated as ornamentals.
The sawdust from machining is pungent and may cause mucous irritation and allergies.
Vessels per mm2 less than 6 (rare). Occasionally vessels with colored deposits. Tangential diameter of vessel lumina 200 micras or more (large). Paratracheal axial parenchyma scanty and/or vasicentric. Axial parenchyma lozenge-aliform. Occasionally septate fibers present.
Odor and taste are reported to be indistinct.
The sapwood is clearly differentiated. The heartwood is brown, sometimes with a reddish tinge.
The grain is typically interlocked.
The wood is coarse in texture.
It has a good resistance to attack by decay fungi and dry-wood termites.
Tension wood is common, resulting in fuzzy surfaces in most woodworking operations.
Ease of Drying: It is reported to dry rapidly and it is easy to season. Drying Defects: Slight surface and end checking are reported. Severe case hardening may occur.
UK-F; US-T6-D4
Sawing of this species is reported to be rather easy, but tension wood may affect this process.
This species can be peeled and sliced.
This species can be peeled and sliced.
The wood exerts slight to moderate blunting effect on cutting tools.
Guanacaste is reported to be respond well to most machining tools to yield smooth surfaces in most woodworking operations, but surfaces may be woolly because of tension wood.
Planing is reported to be generally easy, but fluffy wood is common because of tension.
The material is reported to nail easily, with good nail holding characteristics.
Polishing characteristics are reported to be generally good.
HOUSING GENERAL, panelling, fittings, FURNITURE AND CABINETS, cabinets, PACKING, OTHER AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, particleboard, scale model
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